Eye on Innovation
games and gamification
- Gamified Digital Mental Health Interventions for Young People: Scoping Review of Ethical Aspects During Development and Implementation.
- The Top 10 Applications of Technology in Mental Healthcare – How technology Is Revolutionizing Mental Healthcare Through Digital Tools
- The Role of Technology in Mental Health – Trends and Innovations
- Digital Health Accelerator Awards $175,000 To Advance Three Winning Projects
- Can Video Games Help Prevent Addiction?
- Video Games Can Boost Your Mental Health – But There’s a Catch
- The Power of Play: How One Doctor Turned to Video Games to Prevent Health Issues
- A Randomized Controlled Study of Remote Computerized Cognitive, Neurofeedback, and Combined Training in the Treatment of Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
- Preventing mental illness in children that experienced maltreatment the efficacy of REThink online therapeutic game