Eye on Innovation
ecological momentary assessment
- Feasibility and acceptability of using smartphone-based EMA to assess patterns of prescription opioid and medical cannabis use among individuals with chronic pain
- Predicting the Next-Day Perceived and Physiological Stress of Pregnant Women by Using Machine Learning and Explainability: Algorithm Development and Validation
- FOCUS mHealth Intervention for Veterans with Serious Mental Illness in an Outpatient Department of Veterans Affairs Setting: Feasibility, Acceptability, and Usability Study
- Digital phenotyping adherence, feasibility, and tolerability in outpatients with schizophrenia
- Characterizing and modeling smoking behavior using automatic smoking event detection and mobile surveys in naturalistic environments: Observational study
- An ecological momentary assessment study examining posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, prenatal bonding, and substance use among pregnant women
- Before and after: Craving, mood, and background stress in the hours surrounding drug use and stressful events in patients with opioid-use disorder
- mHealth for the detection and intervention in adolescent and young adult substance use disorder
- Efficacy of a web-based guided recommendation service for a curated list of readily available mental health and well-being mobile apps for young people: Randomized controlled trial.