Eye on Innovation
emergency department
- “Safe Station”: A Fire Chief’s Compassionate Response to the Opioid Crisis
- Internet searches for opioids predict future emergency department heroin admissions
- Lisa A. Marsch Develops Digital Interventions for the Treatment of Opioid Addiction
- NIH Awards Nearly $1 Billion In Research Grants To Battle Addiction, Chronic Pain
- Use of non-face-to-face modalities for emergency department screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (ED-SBIRT) for high-risk alcohol use: A scoping review
- Implementations of a text-message intervention to increase linkage from the emergency department to outpatient treatment for substance use disorders
- Computerized clinical decision support system for emergency department-initiated buprenorphine for opioid use disorder: User-centered design
- NH First Responders Making House Calls to Treat Overdose Cases
- Battling the Opioid Crisis with Technology