Borodovsky J, Lee D, Crosier B, et al. (2017). U.S. cannabis legalization and use of vaping and edible products among youth. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 177: 299-306. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.02.017
Researchers examined relationships between provisions of U.S. legal cannabis laws (LCL) (e.g., medical and/or recreational cannabis laws that permit home cultivation and/or dispensaries) and the likelihood and age of first use of cannabis vaping and edibles among youth. Using Facebook advertising, researchers recruited 2630 young cannabis users (ages 14-18 years) to complete an online survey about cannabis use, mode of consumption, and age of cannabis use onset. Researchers coded U.S. states by LCL status and provisions (e.g., LCL status duration, density of dispensaries, recreational or medical cannabis laws, home cultivation status). Analysis revealed that participants in states with a longer LCL duration (≥10 years) were more likely to have tried vaping and edibles than participants in states with more recent LCLs (<5 years). Recreational LCLs were related to a greater likelihood of participants having tried vaping and edibles compared to medical LCLs only or no LCLs. Home cultivation LCLs were associated with higher odds of participants having tried edibles and earlier onset of edible use than laws prohibiting home cultivation. Understanding state LCL status and provisions may help researchers, clinicians, and public health officials address cannabis use among young people. Lawmakers should consider how LCL provisions may shape youth cannabis use behavior when creating state LCLs. Given the rapid evolution of cannabis legalization in the U.S., future research could monitor youth cannabis use as LCLs change and mature.