May 30, 2012
Mady Chalk, PhD, MSW
Director, Center for Policy Analysis and Research at the Treatment Research Institute
About the Presenter: Mady Chalk, PhD, MSW is the Director of the Center for Policy Analysis and Research at the Treatment Research Institute (TRI) in Philadelphia, PA. The Center focuses on translation of research into policy, particularly focused on quality improvement and standards of care, new purchasing strategies for treatment services, implementation and evaluation of performance-based contracting, and integrated financing for treatment in healthcare settings. The Center also supports the Mutual Assistance Program for States (MAPS) which provides an arena in which States and local policy makers, purchasers, elected officials, and treatment providers meet with clinical and policy researchers and Federal experts to exchange ideas and develop testable strategies to improve the delivery of addiction treatment. In her policy role, Dr. Chalk holds membership on several committees of the National Quality Forum, including the Behavioral Health Steering Committee which is responsible for recommending to DHHS quality measures for inclusion in meaningful use.
Dr. Chalk is also the Managing Partner of The Chalk Group which provides strategic and policy consulting, quality improvement, and behavioral health solutions for public and private organizations, including The National Council, several managed care organizations, and trade associations. In this role, she is directly involved in healthcare reform initiatives related to financing and reimbursement of substance use and mental health treatment services, including integrated primary care and performance-based contracting; she works with a number of Federal agencies including NIH/NIDA, CMS, SAMHSA, and HRSA on issues related to workforce development, performance measurement and quality improvement.
Prior to becoming a member of the research staff of TRI, for many years Dr. Chalk was the Director of the Division of Services Improvement in the Federal Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT)/Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). For 15 years before coming to the Washington area, Dr. Chalk was a faculty member in the Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Director of the Outpatient /Community Services Division of Yale Psychiatric Institute and had teaching responsibilities at Smith College School of Social Work and the Adelphi School of Social Work. She received her Ph.D. in Health and Social Policy from the Heller School at Brandeis University.