MAY 21, 2021
Brenda Curtis, PhD, MsPH
National Institute on Drug Abuse/Intramural Research Program
About the Presentation: We are living in a very exciting era for addiction medicine. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have made it possible to build intelligent machines that enhance our ability to measure behaviors and deliver treatment. The goal of this seminar is to share some of the latest developments using language based digital phenotyping and to discuss important ethical considerations of using artificial intelligent tools in addiction medicine.
About the Presenter: Dr. Curtis’ research focus is translational, leveraging social media and big data methodology to form the development, evaluation, and implementation of technology-based tools that address substance use and related conditions such as HIV/AIDS. Understanding techniques people use to gather information online and how that information is processed has influenced her development of a web-based smoking cessation intervention; an online adolescent screening, brief information, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) program; and an adolescent safer sex and pregnancy prevention intervention CD-ROM. Dr. Curtis employs multiple methodologies to facilitate the flow of scientific discovery to practical application allowing her to not only reach under-served populations, but to design health monitoring and behavioral change interventions that are user-centered, inclusive, and evidence-based.