Funding Source
National Cancer Institute (NCI), R21CA158863
Project Period
8/1/12 – 8/31/14
Principal Investigator
Mary Brunette, MD
Other Project Staff
Joelle Ferron, PhD; Delbert Robinson, MD (Feinstein Research Institute)
Project Summary
Up to 77% of young Americans with severe mental illnesses (SMI: schizophrenia and severe mood disorders) smoke, a rate that is up to five times higher than the rate of daily smoking in other young adults. This group goes on to experience very high rates of morbidity and mortality due to smoking-related diseases. Motivational interventions can engage SMI smokers into cessation but have not been tested in young, transitional age adults with SMI. In this project, we will further develop and then test our theory-based web-based, motivational decision support system and tailor it to be engaging and effective in this population. This study will set the stage for an R01 application to conduct a full RCT to test the efficacy of the revised EDSS to motivate young SMI smokers to use cessation treatment. The ultimate goals of this intervention are to extend life expectancy, reduce illness burdens and increase quality of life for Americans with SMI.
Public Health Relevance
Our overall goal is to develop an easy-to-use web-based intervention that could increase the motivation of young SMI adults to quit smoking by using effective smoking cessation treatments. The ultimate goal of this intervention is to prevent cancer and other smoking-related disease in this high disparity group of smokers with severe psychiatric illnesses.