Klein AA, Slaymaker VJ, Dugosh KL, McKay JR. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 2012. 42: 25-34. PMID: 21862275.
Summary: This study examined the effects of My Ongoing Recovery Experience (MORE) for 1,124 patients leaving residential treatment for a substance dependence disorder. All patients had access to the web-based MORE program for 18 months after discharge. Patients were assessed at baseline (treatment admission) and 1, 6, and 12 months post-discharge. At 12 months, 84% of patients had completed one module of MORE, while 5% of patients had completed all seven modules. More adherent patients were more likely to report continuous abstinence at 12 months than patients who were not adherent to MORE (78% vs. 49%). Controlling for treatment motivation, self-efficacy, and pretreatment substance use severity, likelihood of abstinence increased as patients completed a greater number of MORE modules.
Take Away: For individuals with drug or alcohol dependence, use of MORE contributed to abstinence one-year after discharge from residential treatment. Extent of program use (dosage) was associated with behavioral outcomes.
Follow-Up of Previous Study:
Computer-based recovery support for patients receiving residential treatment for alcohol/drug dependence: Relationship between program use and outcomes.
Klein AA, Anker JJ. Telemedicine and e-Health. 2013. 19(2): 104-109. PMID: 23215735.
Summary: More detailed information on MORE usage and patient outcomes from the parent study was examined. Before leaving residential treatment for substance dependence patients (n=1,682) were enrolled in the MORE program and were assessed at 1 and 6 months post-discharge. Overall, utilization of MORE was greatest in the first month. Over 6 months, patients logged into MORE an average of 10.59 times and accessed an average of 15.41 module pages. Results showed that the number of logins and the number of pages accessed predicted the number of drinking days at 6 months post-discharge. Therefore, increased program usage was associated with a decreased number of drinking days.
Take Away: Greater utilization of the web-based program MORE is associated with better drinking outcomes after release from residential treatment.