Program Overview
Brief Description: Connect4Care (C4C) addresses impediments to HIV care engagement through a motivational, informative 6-domain text messaging intervention.
Further Descriptive Information: C4C offered a theory-based, bidirectional (send and receive) text messaging intervention to promote care engagement in disadvantaged individuals with high-risk HIV viremia and care disengagement. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) funded C4C as part of Seek, Test, Treat Retain (STTR), a research initiative to explore the efficacy of an integrative text messaging intervention to promote HIV care engagement in vulnerable populations. Researchers based C4C on 5 behavioral models (Behavioral Model for Vulnerable Populations, Information, Motivation, and Behavior Skill, Health Care Empowerment, revised Stress and Coping Theory) and conducted 3 focus groups with clinic social workers and clinic patients to further inform intervention message content. C4C provided intervention text messages to target 6 domains of behavior change (improve sense of social support, ameliorate negative affect, bolster positive affect and coping, foster empowerment, support healthy behaviors, and emphasize the value of ART (Antiretroviral Therapy) adherence and persistence). C4C sent intervention text messages 3 times per-week at a user-specified time via an automated platform. To elicit user response, intervention text messages used 1 of 3 response approaches: Type 1: no response requested, Type 2: asked if user found text message helpful, or Type 3: asked if user wanted more information (sent via follow-up text). Each domain featured intervention text messages that requested each of the 3 response types.
Theoretical Approach(es):
Motivational Intervention
Target Substance(s):
Target Outcome(s):
Medication Adherence
Retention in Treatment
Young Adults (18-30)
Adults (30+)
Not specified
Not specified
Geographic Location(s):
Not specified
Not specified