Megan Coder, PharmD, MBA
Chief Policy Officer, Digital Therapeutics Alliance
Megan Coder, PharmD, MBA, is Chief Policy Officer of the Digital Therapeutics Alliance (DTA), an international non-profit trade association of industry leaders and stakeholders dedicated to improving clinical and health economic outcomes through the use of high quality, evidence-based digital therapeutics (DTx).
Megan founded DTA in 2017 and remains instrumental in developing the foundations for this quickly evolving industry. She leads DTA’s efforts related to thought leadership, global policy, international standard development, and the Alliance’s DTx Value Assessment & Integration Guide.
Trained as a pharmacist, Megan graduated from the University of Wisconsin—Madison and completed an Executive Residency in Association Management & Leadership with the American Pharmacists Association Foundation. Prior to DTA, Megan worked with Voluntis, Iodine, the Pharmaceutical Care Management Association, and the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board.