Center Leadership

Andrew Campbell, PhD

Albert Bradley 1915 Third Century Professor, Computer Science, Dartmouth College; Director, Emerging Technologies and Data Analytics Core, Center for Technology and Behavioral Health, Dartmouth College

Mobile Sensing; mHealth; Ubiquitous Computing


Andrew Campbell, PhD
Albert Bradley 1915 Third Century Professor, Computer Science, Dartmouth College; Director, Emerging Technologies and Data Analytics Core, Center for Technology and Behavioral Health, Dartmouth College

Selected Publications
  • Huckins JF, daSilva AW, Wang W, Hedlund E, Rogers C, Nepal SK, Wu J, Obuchi M, Murphy EI, Meyer ML, Wagner DD, Holtzheimer PE, Campbell AT. Mental health and behavior of college students during the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic: Longitudinal smartphone and ecological momentary assessment study. J Med Internet Res. 2020 Jun 17;22(6):e20185. doi: 10.2196/20185. PMID: 32519963; PMCID: PMC7301687.
  • Wang R, Wang W, DaSilva A, Huckins JF, Kelley WM, Heatherton TF, Campbell AT. Tracking depression dynamics in college students using mobile phone and wearable sensing. Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. Mar 2018: 2 (1), 43. doi:
  • Wang R, Chen F, Chen Z, Li T, Harari G, Tignor S, Zhou X, Ben-Zeev D, Campbell AT. StudentLife: Assessing mental health, academic performance and behavioral trends of college students using smartphones. Proceedings of the 2014 ACM international joint conference on pervasive and ubiquitous computing (UbiComp '14); 2014 September 13-17; Seattle, WA. ACM; 2014, pp. 3-14.
  • Campbell A, Choudhury T. From smart to cognitive phones. IEEE Pervasive Computing. 2012 March; 11(3): 7-11.