Article Excerpt: Wearable devices are continually making a splash throughout the fitness and healthcare markets. Consumers are flocking to smartwatches, fitness trackers, and other wearables in order to improve their overall wellness. A new report from eMarketer shows that American consumers will only increase their purchase of wearable devices over the coming years. The growth will be in the double digits and has already started this year.
In 2015, 39.5 million Americans have been using wearable devices such as smartwatches, wrist bands, and fitness trackers. Wearables use grew by 57 percent when compared to the statistics of 2014. The report predicts that these numbers will double by 2018 and sets 81.7 million as the expected target number of Americans using wearables in a few years. The definition of a regular user of wearable devices is someone who wears accessories or smart clothes at least once per month, which have electronics connected to the Internet and capable of exchanging data with a manufacturer or other device.
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Article Source: mHealth Intelligence