Article Excerpt: Access to evidence-based psychotherapies remains limited by time constraints, affordability, stigma, and other factors. Digital therapeutics (DTx) represent a valuable addition to psychiatrists’ toolkits. But before they recommend DTx, psychiatrists should consider how these programs are being evaluated by regulators and delivered to patients. Although existing DTx target a range of physical illnesses, those targeting mental health issues have received more funding in 2020 and 2021 than all other types. This development will have a direct impact on the practice of psychiatry. The scope of this impact depends in large part on how regulatory oversight evolves, since regulation determines: which types of DTx are subject to oversight; whether a particular DTx is available via prescription or over the counter (OTC), and the required level of adjunctive care associated with it; and the evidence required for commercialization and reimbursement.
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Article Source: Psychiatric Times