Chevalking SKL, Allouch SB, Brusse-Keizer M, Postel MG, Pieterse ME. 2018. Identification of users for a smoking cessation mobile app: Quantitative study. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 20(4): e118. doi: 10.2196/jmir.7606
Researchers analyzed the influence personal characteristics related and unrelated to smoking behavior on intentions to use and attitudes toward a smoking cessation mobile application (app). Results from this investigation would help inform development of a smoking cessation app. Researchers posted links to a web-based survey on social media and received 955 responses for current smokers or past smokers involved in a quit attempt lasting more than 24 hours. Respondents were presented with a description of the proposed cessation app before completing assessments of age, gender, educational attainment, residential area, innovativeness with technology, current smoking status, nicotine dependence, number of quit attempts, previous use of digital cessation aids, and attitudes towards and intentions to use the proposed app. Researchers conducted univariate and multivariate analyses to first identify individual variables related to intentions to use and attitudes towards the proposed app and then develop a model including personal characteristics that together help predict intentions to use and attitudes towards the proposed app. Researchers found lower educational attainment, moderate to high personal innovativeness, high nicotine dependency, smoking with intentions to quit, past quit attempts, and previous use of digital cessation aids were individually related to intention to use and attitudes toward the proposed app. The multivariate models indicated moderate to high personal innovativeness, high nicotine dependence, and past quit attempts helped predict intentions to use and attitudes towards the proposed app.