Ondersma SJ, Beatty JR, Svikis DS, Strickler RC, Tzilos GK, Chang G, Divine GW, Taylor AR, Sokol RJ (2015). Computer-delivered screening and brief intervention for alcohol use in pregnancy: A pilot randomized trial. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, Advance online publication. PMID: 26010235.
This pilot randomized controlled trial examined the acceptability and impact of a computerized screening and brief intervention (e-SBI) program for reducing alcohol use during pregnancy. Pregnant women seeking treatment at a prenatal clinic were screened for alcohol use. Those testing positive for risky alcohol use during pregnancy were enrolled in the study (N=48). Participants were randomized to e-SBI or to a control session (e.g., information on infant nutrition). Alcohol use data was collected at pre-treatment and postpartum assessments. Results showed that the program was acceptable to patients, and was rated as easy to use, helpful, and respectful. In addition, 75% of participants receiving e-SBI indicated they were more likely to change their alcohol use after completing the program. Results suggest that e-SBI may be beneficial for pregnant women who use alcohol, but further research is needed.